Student Solution


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Strengths Meeting 1

Strengths Meeting 1

Q Strengths Meeting #1 Group/Team: [Insert information] BUSI 3200 Section: [Insert information] Members/Students Participating: [Insert information] Date, Time and Location of Meeting: [Insert information] DIRECTIONS: Please complete the following activity as a team and in person or via Teams, WebEx or Canvas Collaborate by the due date. It is your team’s responsibility to arrange an appropriate time to meet. Members must be present to receive credit for this activity. All members must be present or the group will be penalized. See Group commitment in the assignment. PART 1: TEAM STRENGTHS GRID Assignment Goals: The Team Strengths Grid helps teams visualize their collective talents, strengths and opportunities of each person and the entire team in a snapshot view. While each CliftonStrengths theme has its own power and edge, it can be useful to think about how your talents and strengths help you and your team perform, influence others, build relationships, and absorb and think about information. Action Item 1: Complete the Excel sheet in the Document attached in this assignment labelled, “Team Strengths Grid.” Make sure that you list each group member’s name. Together as a group, submit this excel sheet to the group assignment. Part 2: LEADERSHIP DOMAINS AND THOUGHTS Action Item 2: Answer the following questions as a team using the Team Strengths Grid and the following table: Executing Influencing Relationship Building Strategic Thinking People with dominant Executing Themes know how to make things happen. People with dominant Influencing themes know how to take charge, speak up, and make sure the team is heard. People with dominant Relationship Building themes have the ability to build strong relationships that can hold a team together and make the team greater than the sum of its parts. People with dominant Strategic Thinking themes help teams consider what could be. They absorb and analyze information that can inform better decisions. Achiever Arranger Belief Consistency Deliberative Discipline Focus Responsibility Restorative Activator Command Communication Competition Maximizer Self-Assurance Significance Woo Adaptability Connectedness Developer Empathy Harmon Includer Individualization Positivity Relator Analytical Context Futuristic Ideation Input Intellection Learner Strategic A. Looking at your team’s strengths grid, how does this grid increase the team members’ understanding of the team? List your team’s leadership domains and describe how your team believes this will be to their advantage when solving a group task? Make sure to include if you have more than one team member with a certain leadership domain. (Insert as much space as needed to provide your description here. Type your answer below is another font color of your team’s choosing. Use this method for each question below.) B. What is your team’s dominant domain? Insert your answer here. C. Examining the team’s strengths grid, what strengths are duplicated in your team and by which team members? Insert your answer here. D. Examining the team’s strengths grid, what is your team’s least dominant domain or missing domain? What strengths are not represented in or possessed by your team? How could this impact the team? Insert your answer here. E. Which strengths from other domains can help fill in any gaps? How will being aware of these gaps could help your team be successful? Of what issues should you be aware? Insert your answer here. F. What would you like others to know about your team? Insert your answer here. G. What do you enjoy most about your team so far? Insert your answer here. H. Take a picture of your group meeting and insert the photo here. Make sure to include in the photo anyone participating via the web. Insert your photo here. Please submit this file with your answers by uploading this form to Canvas is the Strengths Meeting #1 Assignments. To help you with this, the following information must also be completed and included: Tasks to be completed: Person Responsible: Due Date: Upload the Team Strengths Grid AND Upload the Team’s Meeting #1 Minutes/Report (this document) Plan your team’s 2nd meeting

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A. The grid gives us a visual representation of which leadership domains and strengths we share, and which are missing. Meredith’s leadership domain is Relationship Building, Chelsea’s is Influencing, Matthew’s is Relationship Building, Omar’s is Executing, Tommie’s is Strategic Thinking, and Elizabeth’s is Executing. Our team’s dominant leadership domains are Executing and Relationship Building. This will be to our advantage when working together to get things done. We all are motivated to accomplish goals and meet deadlines, while we are also able to work together cohesively by forming relationships and minimizing conflict.